Kann mir das vielleicht jemand übersetzen? I have never heard of this before, it sounds very interesting. With 5 decks there are only 20 aces and you need two of them to get paid 2:1. This will happen something like 1:177 times off the top of the shoe (if my math is correct). Some things stand out to me: Getting two aces is much much harder than getting a blackjack, and although the payout is 2:1 this will still not make up for the difference. The dealer will bust less than in blackjack. Good luck with finding more info, are there any more interesting rules? How far into the 5 decks are dealt? However the dealer's strategy does not change despite 22 not busting. Your basic strategy might change to incorporate this, I think this would also add some more to your edge. I have seen a game similar to what you describe. It is/was called "Stook". It still existed at one casino last year. I do not know if it is still around or if anyone else has seen this game. I cannot remember all the ins and outs of rules and I disregarded it as I could not find any strategy on this game. The premium on the Aces stands out. Also, the dealer does not take an upcard. Both dealer cards are hole cards. Is this the case of the game in Austria you are playing? Two dealer down cards?