hab mich mal erkundigt. Hier die Antwort für die, dies interessiert. Gruss As for how you earn your FPPs playing ring games, the process is quite simple. First Frequent Player Point (FPP) is awarded for playing a hand in which the rake reaches: $0.40 for fixed limit poker games with stakes $1/$2 and lower $0.40 for NL/PL poker games with blinds $1/$2 and lower $0.40 for "1-on-1" poker games (this applies only to "1-on-1" tables, not to regular tables which have only two players seated) $1.00 for all other games Second FPP is awarded for playing a hand in which the rake reaches: $2.00 for all 6-max tables (this doesn't apply for games being played 6- handed at 10/9/8 player tables - just 6-max tables) $3.00 for all other tables Third FPP is awarded for playing a hand in which the rake reaches $5.00. Please remember that as a Silver Star you will be making 1.5 FPPs for every one mentioned above. I.e. first FPP gives you 1.5, second gives you third, and the third will give you 4.5 FPPs. Also, please check out the calculator as well, which should help you calculate the number of points you make. http://www.pokerstars.com/vip/calculator/ And finally, we don't offer rakeback. On our site, we strive to give all players the lowest rake - "rakeback" promotions only serve to charge players more rake, and then give it back at some later date. If you compare the rake schedules across sites, I suspect you will find PokerStars is among the lowest, if not the lowest, in terms of percentage for rake. Rather than rakeback and secret VIP programs, we have decided to keep it all in the open. Thus we have our FPP program, our Star levels up to SuperNova Elite, where the terms and conditions, perks etc. are all published on the net. Thus we are completely open and fair to all players, aiming to give the lowest rakes, and the best FPP benefits on the net. I hope this answers your questions. If you should have any further questions, please don't hesitate to write us again. We are always happy to help you in any way we can.