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I took the new development that has been made upon Marignys work and concentrate on the Perfect March.

I imporve it with using correlation of correction instead of raw correction.

My first test using only one even money position gave me an amazing positive expectation.

This i think will be a very good option for real play with larger units with 100 Euro value.

Here is a simpel test and i only use random org as it is pure random and based upon noise.

Flat betting with 6 attempts where +1 overcome the amount of attempts.

The Perfect March.

My own depelopment.

2010 07 29 to 2010 08 31.


32 won

0 loss

32 net

I understand why there is so littel response to what i write.

Many claim but can not prove what they claim.

I welcome any one to prove me wrong.



Now i skip all previos march variation at previos post using my method of "correlation correction" and aim with the TPM = The Perfect March.

I start to test it with advance strategy 731 and i have to say it is beatiful.

Thank you Marigny.

Here is a short exampel and it is for 40 sessions i will see what the net gain will be.

I just post 12 session and alredy serios amount of units.

+11 +11 +8 +11 +11 +11 +8 +11 +1 +1 +11 +11

106 units in 10 000 trails using one even money position.



Give me that slow knowing smile

+11 +11 +8 +11 +11 +11 +8 +11 +1 +1 +11 +11 +11 +1 +8 +1 +1 +8 +11 +1 +1 +11 +8 +1 +1 +11 +11 +1 +8 +11 +11 +11

234 units flat betting



I am going to be honest with you all - i dont use or play even money bets - it is just that no one can compete with the knowledge i have regarding even money bets.

I only know one and it is Laurance wish claim have some kind of poitive expectation and get it verify by Snowman.

It just strike me after study Marigny for many years that two states and two isolated attacks for every attempt to capture correlation of correction is more effective then to aim for raw correction.

Saying it does not exist is just being stupid.



HAHAHA as this was the first time a get this message :bigsmile:

Error: You have used your quota of random bits for today. See the quota page for details.


  • 1 month later...


I cannot bring in the *txt numbers in your software for calculating the Ecart's.

Can you give us some real test from live casino's in Germany? Spielcasino Hoyensyburg p.e.

But your study on Marigny looks well.

So I will give you the :smilie2: after solving my small peoblems.


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