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Ich dachte du wärst auf Tour, drum hab' ich mich halt mal getraut zu klugscheissen. Den Platz wollte ich dir nicht streitig machen. :bx3:

Bin doch immer nur 3-4 Tage weg.

Dafür mache ich dann gelegentlich vom ersten bis zum letzten Spiel(13 Stunden) durch.

Fleißig eben - OK bisschen Gier ist auch dabei.



Hi Johnfox,

these/your Spamletters are well known. Maybe it worked back in 1980s, but today you can be rest assured that most, if not all, people will just ignore you.

The best part in your text is "... you don' t need to worry. The mathematics is the same everywhere." The mathematics of Roulette are open published all across the net and also being written in books from great authors hundred years ago.

Everyone here know the result, no matter what you play on the table it's a loss of 2.7% of all your bets together. This fact also guarantees the income for the casinos.

If you still want to trick people into buying your system, how about posting some facts about your cool successful n°1 system?:blasen:


generell habe ich gar nichts zu dem ganzen gesagt.




Yes it's true but I teach NOBODY except family.


I think that there is still a lot of people who deserve to succeed, they will find when the time comes



I think that there is still a lot of people who deserve to succeed, they will find when the time comes


na dann rück mal raus dein ultrarezept.


Your Time Is Up

Everything you know about roulette playing just become obsolete.

I'm serious.

If you're relying on “traditional” ways to make money and beat casino, get ready for your very own recession...... and it's going to happen very soon, if not now.

Sorry if that's harsh, or if it offends you, but your time really is up.

Pretty soon the boring, traditional, low profit techniques you're using are going to fizzle out and die. Your profits will gradually dry up, and you'll be left living off the scraps from other people's tables. Not too cool. And remember, if you isn't evolving in a world where roulette system is ALWAYS evolving... pretty soon it's going to flounder and die. Better to take action for that right now, before it's too late.

To your success,


PS This is a genuinely limited offer and other people are reading this right now, so don't delay.

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